Monday, February 7, 2011

A Dog Who Sent Me A Note

My aunts dogs sent me a note and it was funny! 
My aunts dogs name's are Stella,Deisel.

This is what the note said. My mom will type it because it is really long

Dear Logan, 
Our friends down at the ASPCA told us about your new blog when Aunt Shana and Uncle John were at work. We got on the computer and checked it out. It looks barkin', dude! Things can get a little ruff for dogs that don't have good homes. We earn extra bones by doing jobs around the neighborhood, too. People think we sleep all day, but really we are out getting our paws dirty and bringing home the bacon bits. We wanted to send you some doggy dollars to help your cause for paws. Uh, oh. My stellar dog ears detect the humans are home. We better get off the computer so we can wag our tails at the door. It's the dog days of winter! Thanks for being such a "paw"some kid!!!!! 

Stella and Diesel (with blue painted paw prints next to  their names!)

With the $10 dollars that the dogs sent me and the $2.00 that I put in from my chores yesterday I have $42.00 now!! 

 Thank you Stella and Diesel!!